Abstract Submission guidelines
Abstract submissions shall use APA referencing style (style guidelines can be found here: Reference examples (apa.org)).
References shall not exceed a total of 5.
One figure or table can be included.
Abstracts shall not exceed 600 words, excluding references, captions and title page.
The title page must include:
1) Title of submission (Arial 20)
2) Authors in surname, initial(s) of first name(s) fashion with numerical (superscript) allocation of affiliation
3) Superscript number, followed by affiliation (i.e. School of Environmental Sciences, Precious Cornerstone University, Agodi 200223, Ibadan, Nigeria
Corresponding author indicated with a * symbol (i.e. *Joe Blogg: joeblogg@email-me.edu.ng)
Call for abstract: 03/08/21 - 17/09/2021
Submission and APC fee:
1000₦ (low income countries)
2000₦ (mid income countries)
3000₦ (high income countries)
Accepted articles will be published in a high impact journal. Submissions are to be sent to